BROWN (Create Space, Printed on February 12, 2017; Softcover)
70 Buster
Sunday strips from 1902-1904.
and Artist: R.F. Outcault
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The book's spine does not feature the title. -10% enjoyment on The OCD scale. |
Platinum Age of comics (pre-comic books newspaper strips) is woefully
underrepresented in Collected Editions. Buster Brown has two
reprint books from the 1970s, but neither are complete. A handful of
his strips have appeared in books like Society Is Nix, but
comprehensive reprints are nonexistent. This mostly forgotten
character doesn't have enough clout to be reprinted today, which is a
shame considering that he was an outright phenomenon in his heyday.
It seems almost criminal to let historically significant works like
this rot in the hands of private collectors or exist as poorly
scanned images on a handful of websites on the Internet. There aren't
enough people who care about the history of the artform to make any
publisher take a gamble and release a collection. If I ever win the
Lotto I'll do it.
my delight when I discovered this collection, a bargain priced print
on demand reprint from Amazon's CreateSpace imprint for $9.99. Where
do I sign? I was in. Two days later this expectedly low budget affair
arrived at my home. I have mixed feeling about this book. It's great
to own these strips, but I have 20/20 vision and had a hard time
reading the dialogue in spots.
strip stars your run of the mill well-to-do Victorian child getting
into all manner of mischief with his dog, Tige. Then-contemporary
fashions and slang are fascinating to me. Societal mores, such as the
once acceptable spanking of children, are on full display. Buster
Brown's resolutions are usually found after him being on the
receiving end of his mother's hand or hairbrush. This is
unintentionally funny 113 years after publication.
gets in all sorts of trouble and celebrates every holiday along the
way. The whimsical nature of the strip, coupled with Outcault's
unintentionally creepy faces, makes for a bizarre read that bleeds
charm. I love the fashions and customs of the day (i.e. tea parties,
the ash man, etc.) and found a reference to the then-new
vaccinations, where people still objected to them out of ignorance.
Another famous cartoon strip, Raggedy Ann, was actually the symbol of
the anti-vaccination movement of the early 20th
book is a disservice to the genius of Outcault. The stories are great
but the subpar presentation prevents me from recommending this book
to anyone. I gambled 10 bucks but my advice to you is to find the
scans on the Internet that these were swiped from and read them on
your device or try printing them out yourself. They won't come out
any worse, I promise you.
Food For Thought rating: * out of 5.
OCD zone-
*While this book is wider than a standard trade paperback/ graphic
novel, the artwork is shrunk down so much that it is virtually
unreadable at times. I can't give a fair rating, so I won't give one
at all.
restoration: Awful. Imagine listening to a mp3 that is
sourced from a cassette which was recorded off of a record by placing
the tape recorder next to the speaker as the record played. You are
dealing with this level of loss of fidelity. These strips were
originally printed in color. The black and white presentation here is
a murky grayscale mess. I have actually located the page where these
scans were swiped from for this book. This material deserves better
than this book, which any boob could have slapped together using
Amazon's CreateSpace imprint.
stock: Lighter weight uncoated stock.
Perfect bound trade paperback.
cover notes:
Laminated cardstock.
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