Saturday, May 21, 2016

Review- Free Comic Book Day Offerings Part Two

Free Comic Book Day Offerings Part Two

Free Comic Book Day 2016: Civil War II #1 (Marvel, cover date May, 2016)
Like Marvel's other FCBD offering this year, this book has two stories. The first one is a sneak peek at Civil War II. The original Civil War event was great. This sequel doesn't seem to have anything to do with the original. Instead, it looks like some crossover with Thanos and has the name of Civil War attached to it to ship more units. Think Secret Wars II when compared to the original Secret Wars and you're pretty close.

Brian Michael Bendis writes it, so of course he has swearing in what could have been a good gateway for a young kid discovering the medium on FCBD. Instead, most parents will take this comic away from their kids because of that. Am I really that old-fashioned because I dislike superheroes swearing and don't want my son reading that? It's just so unnecessary. Does anyone actually pick up a comic book because it has swearing in it?

The other story in this book is the story of the new Wasp which leads right into All-New, All-Different Avengers #9, on sale now, which is honestly pretty genius. It is well done. Mark Waid is a good writer who gets it. He has written hard-edged adult stuff but has enough common sense to keep his superhero stuff accessible to everyone. That is because Waid is a pro who gets it.
Junk Food For Thought rating: 3.75 out of 5.

Micronauts #1 (IDW, cover date April, 2016)
Like ROM, Micronauts has been in licensing Limbo for some time, although Image did an attempt at it in the Aughts. Also like ROM, Bill Mantlo created so many characters that are owned by Marvel that it makes reprinting the original series impossible by anyone other than Marvel. This was an okay read but it lacked the depth of Micronauts: The New Voyages. I don't think that I will ever be satisfied by anything other than a Marvel reboot of these characters.

And no, this was not a FCBD comic. I paid for this one. I try to pick up something at each store, as the free comics that my kids and I snagged from each store cost the retailer money. I gave this to my son after I read it.
Junk Food For Thought rating: 3 out of 5.

Free Comic Book Day 2016: Serenity/ Hellboy/ Aliens (Dark Horse, cover date May, 2016)
I know nothing about Serenity, as I watch very little television. As a comic book, I was lost when reading it. It made no sense to me, as it made no effort to actually introduce new readers to the concept or characters. I don't know much about Hellboy either, but the difference is that Mike Mignola knows how to bring someone fresh off of the street into the fold while the story unfolds. Having legendary Horror artist Richard Corben bring your tale to life doesn't hurt your cause, either. Aliens I know from the movies. The comic is enjoyable, and it seems like it would be a cool read.
Junk Food For Thought rating: 3 out of 5.

America's Army #0 (IDW, cover date 2014)
This title is an adaptation of the U.S. Army sanctioned propaganda video game designed to suck impressionable kids into joining the Army. This is readable as a comic in spite of this. While not technically a FCBD comic book, this was passed out by one of the shops I stopped at.
Junk Food For Thought rating: 2.75 out of 5.

Eternal Warrior/ Bloodshot And The Hard C.O.R.P.S. Flip Sketchbook #1 (Valiant, cover date July, 2013)
Another dead stock FCBD giveaway, this is a sketchbook with no story in it.
Junk Food For Thought rating: Inapplicable.

Point One #1 (Marvel, cover date January, 2012)
Yet another dead stock FCBD giveaway. This is basically a sneak previews for forthcoming titles with nine pages of story interspersed, stringing together a story where two invaders infiltrate the Watcher's base on the moon and peer into several events in the near future. The events being previews of forthcoming Marvel Comics. An interesting if unnecessary read. At least I didn't pay $5.99 for it like the cover price states. Cripes. I would be ticked if I blew six bucks on this. For free it was all right though.

Junk Food For Thought rating: 3 out of 5. 

There will be more FCBD reviews in the coming days and weeks. 

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